News: Thanks to listener
Linda Hopkins, we learn from Amazon that Kindle samples are NOT
designed to timeout.
Tech Tip: How to put
[20,000] 2,000 classics on your Kindle using
MobileReference (thanks to Nick
for suggesting this one) -
1. Connect your Kindle to your computer with USB
2. In your computer’s web browser, go to
3. In the main area of the web site, not the
column on the left, scroll down to the section titled “Fiction
4. In the last subcategory of that section,
titled “Collection:”, click on “Classic Books Collection. Over
2,000 complete works. Only $19.99.”
5. For use on the Kindle, it doesn’t seem to
matter which platform you choose; I’ve just tested the
“Desktop/Notebook/Tablet PC” platform, and that worked fine.
So in the row for “Desktop/Notebook/Tablet PC” platform, go over
one column to the “Trial Version” column and click “Download
6. You will be asked to enter your email address,
so do that and then click on the green “Download Application”
7. On the next screen, click on the live link
which says “Click here to download: Best-Selling Classic Books
Collection. Over 2000 complete works. FREE biographies and works in
8. From here, what you see will depend on whether
you are using a PC or Mac, but the essentials are the same as with
any other download from the Internet that you do on your
computer. For the Mac, I see a dialog box saying, “You have
chosen to open” which is a zipped file
containing numerous separate items. I click on “OK” to open
it with Stuffit Expander. However your computer works, your
goal is to be able to find a folder on your hard drive titled
“ClassicsTrial”. Mine shows up in a Downloads folder.
9. Open a window that shows you the
“ClassicsTrial” folder you just downloaded, and then open that
folder so you can see all the items in it, beginning with
“AlexandreDumasDEMO.prc” and ending with
10. Open another window that shows the Kindle
icon, which you should see because your Kindle is attached to the
computer by the USB cable.
11. Doubleclick the Kindle icon, so you can see
five folders, including the one labeled “Documents.”
12. Drag the “ClassicsTrial” folder into the
“Documents” folder of your Kindle. I just tried this on
my MacBook Air, and it worked fine – I assume the same process will
work on a PC, but if you run into trouble you might try selecting
all the individual books in the “ClassicsTrial” folder and dragging
them in one big bunch into the “Documents” folder.
13. Once you have the “ClassicsTrial” contents in
the Documents folder of your Kindle, safely eject the Kindle icon
and then unplug the USB cable.
14. Checking on your Home screen, you’ll now see
about three added pages of demo versions of classic
15. I’m pretty sure that once you sample some of
the demo books, you’ll want to spend the $19.99 to purchase the
actual collection. I’m going to do that now but make sure
they go to my SD card, to keep my main Kindle.
16. The purchase process via Handango is routine,
and you don’t have to wait for a registration code. The
folder is called “ClassicsFull” . It’s about 115 megabytes in size,
so even with my speedy Comcast connection (31 megabits per second
when I was doing the download last weekend) – it took a while for
it all to load to my computer, and then another few minutes for it
to load from the computer to the Kindle.
17. I’ve got a 1 GigaByte SD card in my Kindle.
After adding 2,000 classics I’ve got 838 MB left, or room for
another 16,000 classics on a storage device that cost me less than
18. One thing I don’t like is that all these new
titles appear in my Home pages on the Kindle, even though I put
them on the SD card. At least they are gathered by author, so
you click on an author to see all the titles he or she wrote.
19. All in all this is a great resource, and I
want to thank Nick for suggesting that I follow the process for
this week’s Tech Tip.
Jason Pontin,
editor-in-chief and publisher of MIT's
Technology Review, a rising
star in the Kindle Store.
Quote: "The Lady with the
Dog" by Anton Chekhov.
Comments: Bob Boyken, Jim
Brooks, Gail Scott, Julie Booth and Will D.