Jun 30, 2018
Author of the Deadly Edits and Liss MacCrimmon Mysteries
Interview starts at 16:16 and ends at 44:12
“What I try to do is after I get up and have my coffee and my toast, is to come into my office and sit down and write at least one scene, the next scene in the story. I do that usually seven days a week.”
Tech Tip
Jun 23, 2018
Seattle Music and Arts Pioneer
Interview starts at 9:38 and ends at 44:45
“There it was, the [Seattle] head tax. ‘We’re going to do it, this is what we’re going to do. It’s going to address homelessness. We’ll collect the money--we don’t know how we’re going to spend it yet, but we’re going to...
Jun 15, 2018
New Owner of Digital Book World
Interview starts at 12:01 and ends at 43:50
“Everything with books orbits discoverability. That’s the billion-dollar problem. That’s the problem that Apple has never figured out yet. That’s the problem that Amazon has sort of figured out.”
Target dazzles me with service
Jun 9, 2018
Author of “The List” in Amazon’s The Real Thing Collection
Interview starts at 13:23 and ends at 39:21
“I think we look at the Big Five publishers as being kind of set in their ways and really traditional, but I actually think that everyone is looking to try new things. I think everyone is realizing that just...
Jun 2, 2018
Senior Editor, The Information
Interview starts at 11:36 and ends at 43:50
“[Amazon’s HQ2 decision] will be before the end of the year, unless something radical changes. I don’t think it’s imminent. It’s probably--I’m guessing here--but it’s probably months away. I would guess like towards the end of the...