Sep 29, 2017
VP & Executive Editor at the Harper Division of HarperCollins
Interview starts at 21:54 and ends at 44:14
“I think publishers have some ideas about how Amazon feels about books, and I think Amazon has ideas about how little publishers about the business of books. And I think that they’re both wrong.”
Sep 23, 2017
CEO of The Jillian Group
Interview starts at 12:16 and ends at 35:00
“When you build relationships for the sake of relationships, amazing things can happen. Your soil becomes so rich that what can grow and harvest is well beyond what you ever could have planted if you had known.”
Amazon press release
Sep 15, 2017
Vice President, Amazon Books stores
Interview starts at 10:48 and ends at 42:54
“We would like people who want physical books to walk out with a book, but if you walk out of our store, and you found three things to put on your wish list and two books that you want to buy for your Kindle, then we’re very,...
Sep 9, 2017
Executive Editor at Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group
Interview starts at13:18 and ends at 42:00
“Books these days as they are produced are pretty nice little objects. And then there are so many different ways that can work. You can read a book on your phone--a ton of people read books on their phones. They read...
Sep 2, 2017
Author of George & Lizzie
Interview starts at 14:30 and ends at 44:06
“Because of their childhoods I think they approach the world in such different ways--George the pathological optimist and Lizzie the person who knows the glass is totally empty and that you’re just imagining any water. I don’t know what keeps...