Aug 27, 2016
Publisher of Open Letter Books
Interview starts at 15:15 and ends at 43:30
Amazon[Crossing] is filling in some of these gaps, because we haven’t for a long time seen the normal mystery book that someone picks up in Spain and reads when they go on their vacation. That’s never been translated into English, because...
Aug 19, 2016
BookRiot contributor who writes about romance novels
Interview starts at 10:59 and ends at 42:21
We’re sort of worshipping at the temple of love, the same way that religion can help us make sense of human experience and help us to feel there's good in the world—there's a structure that is bending towards the good....
Aug 12, 2016
Aug 6, 2016
Senior Editor, AmazonCrossing
Interview starts at 17:02 and ends at 38:04
[Ayse Kulin] is one of many distinguished voices from diverse cultures that we’ve had the pleasure of publishing, and I think she’s actually a really great example of what it is that we’re trying to do here at AmazonCrossing