Sep 27, 2008
Kindle News: Amazon passes a milestone with 180,000 titles
available in the Kindle Store.
Tech Tip: A
light for reading your Kindle in bed when your spouse is trying
to sleep.
Interview: Jim
Cheshire, author of
Decoding the
Kindle Quote: from
Spirit House, a Vincent Calvino
Novel by Christopher G....
Sep 20, 2008
Kindle News: Forbes
reports on two more would-be Kindle Killers from
Plastic Logic and iRex Technologies.
Tech Tip: My 79-year-old
mother's clever idea for printing a Kindle page didn't pan out, but
I did learn about the expanded location tool from Jim Cheshire's new book,
Decoding the
Interview: Andy
Sep 13, 2008
Kindle News: Kindle snags
exclusive for new biographies of Michelle Obama and Cindy
McCain. Jim Cheshire's
Decoding the Kindle is
Tech Tip: How to highlight
a section of text which begins on one screen and ends on the next.
Jan Zlendich's tip for helping your Kindle make it home if you
leave it...
Sep 6, 2008
Kindle News: Andy Ihnatko's
possibly prophetic piece in
Macworld titled, "How Apple Could Make e-books work and why Steve
Jobs could do what Jeff Bezos hasn't."
Tech Tip: How to put your
Kindle on cruise control. (Hat tip to chelsea
etitameh on the Kindle Korner Yahoo Group. )
The "What's On Your Kindle?"