Apr 26, 2019
Graduating senior in mechanical engineering
at Saint Louis University
Interview starts at 5:57 and ends at 28:32
“Elizabeth Warren’s really simple case for breaking up big tech” by Zack Beauchamp at Vox - April 22, 2019
“Amazon says its private labels are only 1% of its business, but new data shows some...
Apr 20, 2019
Amazon’s Director of Sales & Marketing for Kindle eReaders & Fire Tablets
Interview starts at 15:36 and ends at 46:17
“We find that customers--whether it’s our entry Kindle, our Paperwhite, our Oasis program--you can find voracious readers on any of those devices, reading many, many books a month and really...
Apr 13, 2019
Vice President and Principal Analyst, Forrester Research
Interview starts at 12:02 and ends at 52:12
“We used Future Fitness to describe this concept, because we wanted to make it clear that it is not measuring a fixed attribute. This is not a personality trait. In fact, we avoid the word ‘trait’ deliberately,...
Apr 6, 2019
Author of the Legends of the First Empire and Riyria series
Interview starts at 10:01 and ends at 43:57
On writing fantasy: “The world should just build in the background. You should get to know it by experience, not by having to be told in page after page and getting a whole world history, because that’s boring....