Kindle News: Andy Ihnatko's
possibly prophetic
piece in
Macworld titled, "How Apple Could Make e-books work and why Steve
Jobs could do what Jeff Bezos hasn't."
Tech Tip: How to put your
Kindle on cruise control. (Hat tip to
etitameh on the Kindle Korner Yahoo Group. )
The "What's On Your Kindle?"
Interview: Jan Zlendich of Tucson, Arizona, created
The Kindle Reader blog
while she waited for her Kindle to arrive last year. In our
phone interview on September 3, 2008, she gives a librarian's
literate view of the Kindle. Among the items on her 55 pages
of Home screen are the following:
Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a
Bar...: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes by Daniel
"Shade" a short story by Stephen Gould available for free
download in Kindle format (Mobipocket) from Tor,
the OED: One Man, One Year, 2,730 Pages by Ammon Shea,
and subscriptions to
Asimov's Science
Ellery Queen's Mystery
Magazine and the blog
TVNewser .
Kindle Quote: from
The Nigger of Narcissus by Joseph
Conrad, a free download from
Feedbooks. Beginning at Locations
Kindle Comments by Bruce
Kessel (who linked to
NYT story putting end to rumor of new Kindle this year),
dorianN and Patricia Hawn.
Music for my podcast is "Ra-Monk" by Eval Manigat on the
"Variations in Time: A Jazz Perspective" CD by Public Transit
Recording, courtesy of
IODA Promonet.
To leave an audio comment, please call 206-666-2713. Email: .