Sep 2, 2017
Author of George & Lizzie
Interview starts at 14:30 and ends at 44:06
“Because of their childhoods I think they approach the world in such different ways--George the pathological optimist and Lizzie the person who knows the glass is totally empty and that you’re just imagining any water. I don’t know what keeps any two people together in a marriage, and I’ve been married 51 years!”
“‘Cortana, Open Alexa,’ Amazon Says. And Microsoft Agrees.” by Nick Wingfield at The New York Times - August 30, 2017
Amazon press release - August 30, 2017
Amazon announces Alexa Prize Finalists
“Alexa, Play My Music Everywhere” - Amazon release August 29, 2017
Interview with Nancy Pearl
George & Lizzie: A Novel by Nancy Pearl (available for pre-order with release on September 5, 2017)
Book Lust: Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment and Reason (2003) by Nancy Pearl
“‘I Want the Pages to Turn’: Librarian Nancy Pearl’s Summer Reading List” at National Public Radio’s Morning Edition - June 29, 2017
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Birds of America: Stories by Lorrie Moore
Standard Deviation: A Novel by Katherine Heiny
Books by Laurie Colwin and Anne Tyler
Searching for Caleb by Anne Tyler
Heart, You Bully, You Punk by Leah Hager Cohen (not available in eBook)
Nancy Pearl’s Book Lust Rediscoveries series
The Cowboy and the Cossack by Clair Huffaker
Books by Georgette Heyer
Fractured Lands: How the Arab World Came Apart by Scott Anderson
Next Week’s Guest
John Morgan, Executive Editor at Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group and editor for the forthcoming Young Adult novel The Wild Lands by Paul Greci
Music for my podcast is from an original Thelonius Monk composition named "Well, You Needn't." This version is "Ra-Monk" by Eval Manigat on the "Variations in Time: A Jazz Perspective" CD by Public Transit Recording" CD.
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