Feb 3, 2017
President of The Future of Publishing
Interview starts at 8:19 and ends at 44:04
"I’m convinced that if you want to retain your job in publishing moving forward, unless you’re demonstrably technology adept, you’re going to lose your job. Yeah, there’s room for 100 amazing editors who can’t even use a computer, but that’s not the run-of-the-mill worker in publishing today. They need to be imbued with a knowledge of technology."
Amazon’s earnings (Forbes) - February 2, 2017
Amazon press release on earnings
Walmart going after Amazon Prime (Recode) - January 31, 2017
David Frum in The Atlantic’s March issue
Jeff Bezos statement on immigration executive order
Give Trump a Chance debate
Interview with Thad McIlroy
The Future of Publishing website
“An Authoritative Look at Book Publishing Startups” by Thad McIlroy
“Shelfie Closes” by Jim Milliot at Publishers Weekly - January 31, 2017
John LeCarré: The Biography by Adam Sisman
The Bestseller Code by Jodi Archer and Matthew L. Jockers
“Leisure time on an average day” - chart from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Data Guy’s presentation at 2017 Digital Book World
Next Week’s Guest
Betty Anholt, historian at the Sanibel Public Library
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Music for my podcast is from an original Thelonius Monk composition named "Well, You Needn't." This version is "Ra-Monk" by Eval Manigat on the "Variations in Time: A Jazz Perspective" CD by Public Transit Recording" CD.
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