Oct 25, 2021
Notes from his 10th Decade
The Second Most Powerful Man in the World: The Life of Admiral William D. Leahy, Roosevelt’s Chief of Staff by Phillips Payson O’Brien
“China’s Hypersonic Wake-Up Call” by The Editorial Board at The Wall Street Journal - October 18, 2021 (Behind pay wall)
Skylight Frame: 10-inch WiFi Digital Picture Frame - $159 at Amazon.com
The Heritage Foundation’s 2020 Index of U.S. Military Strength
The Edge of the Road podcast (recently updated after a two-year hiatus)
If you’d like brief updates on technology, books, marriage, and puppies, you can follow along with my Morning Journal flash briefing. From your Echo device, just say, “Alexa, enable Morning Journal.” Then each morning say, “Alexa, what’s my flash briefing?” I post a five-minute audio journal each weekday except usually by 8 a.m. Eastern Time.
Right-click here and then click "Save Link As..." to download the audio to your computer, phone, or MP3 player.