Apr 24, 2021
Vice President and Principal Analyst at Forrester
Interview starts at 9:33 and ends at 51:30
Note: I will be discussing my James McQuivey interview Saturday April 24, 2021 at 4 pm EDT on Clubhouse. If you are a member of Clubhouse, please click here to join me. I’ve also created a club named The Reading Edge. Use this link to join!
Amazon updates Echo Buds (CNBC)
Pre-order Echo Buds (2nd Gen) here at reduced price
Amazon Unbound: Jeff Bezos and the Invention of a Global Empire by Brad Stone - available for preorder with delivery May 11, 2021
James McQuivey’s blog posts at Forrester.com
Jeff Bezos’s last letter to shareholders as CEO - April 15, 2021
The WEIRDest People in the World by Joseph Henrich
The “Big Five” human personality traits (Psychology Today)
“The Clubhouse Party is Over” by Nick Bilton at Vanity Fair - April 23, 2021
Next Week’s Guest
Kjersti Egerdahl, senior editor at Amazon Original Stories
Morning Journal flash briefing for Alexa
If you’d like brief daily updates on technology, books, marriage, and puppies, you can follow along with my Morning Journal flash briefing. From your Echo device, just say, “Alexa, enable Morning Journal.” Then each morning say, “Alexa, what’s my flash briefing?” I post a five-minute audio journal each day except Sunday, usually by 8:00 am Eastern Time.
The Kindle Chronicles is now available at Audible Podcasts. The only thing missing are ratings! If you have time, please consider leaving one in order to help others learn about the show.
Right-click here and then click "Save Link As..." to download the audio to your computer, phone, or MP3 player.