Apr 3, 2021
Len, Darlene, Sophie and Deb at our second rental
on Sanibel Island
Note: There will be no Clubhouse gathering tomorrow, because we are still on our drive from Sanibel to Cambridge, Mass. The weekly post-podcast Clubhouse salon will resume on April 9, 2021.
Island Inn web cam on Sanibel
Len’s Newsletter Posts on Substack:
Travels with Sophie - April 2, 2021
Leaving Sanibel - March 30, 2021
Whelk versus iPhone - March 13
The preferred hotel chain of The Kindle Chronicles is Marriott Courtyard!
Next Week’s Guest
Kevin Kelly, author of Vanishing Asia, a set of 3 books comprising 1,000 pages that captures Asia’s disappearing traditions and vanishing designs, in 35 countries. Click here for Kickstarter page.
Morning Journal flash briefing for Alexa
If you’d like brief daily updates on technology, books, marriage, and puppies, you can follow along with my Morning Journal flash briefing. From your Echo device, just say, “Alexa, enable Morning Journal.” Then each morning say, “Alexa, what’s my flash briefing?” I post a five-minute audio journal each day except Sunday, usually by 8:00 am Eastern Time.
The Kindle Chronicles is now available at Audible Podcasts. The only thing missing are ratings! If you have time, please consider leaving one in order to help others learn about the show.
Right-click here and then click "Save Link As..." to download the audio to your computer, phone, or MP3 player.