News - Via
Mike Elgan and , we learn that the famed
Algonquin Hotel in New York
City is loaning Kindles to guests. Jan Zlendich of
The Kindle Reader blog notes that 46 of the 50 titles on
Bookmarks Magazine's list of the 50 best books of 2008 are
available for the Kindle.
Tech Tip -
Mobile on the iPhone/iPod Touch is pretty neat, but you can't
use it yet to order a Kindle book. For the adventurous -
how to update your customized photo screensavers on the Kindle.
(Thanks to
forum member Phuocle for the steps.)
Interview - Will DeLamater,
creater of the
blog, has evidence that the Kindle is making inroads in
schools. Plus interesting educational developments for the
Kindle in
Utah and at the
Harvard Medical School.
Quote - The beginning of
The Dip by Seth Godin. How to be a successful
Comments - Karen, Linda
Hopkins, and Dan.
Upcoming interviews: Steve
Shaw, creator of the
Kindlelicious blog; Joshua
Tallent of
Formatting, and Capt. Crispin J. Burke, who is Kindling while
on assignment in Iraq.