News: Case
of the disappearing Kindle Store sample, from Joe Wikert's Kindleville blog.
Tech Tip: From David
Emberson's Kindle Cookbook, a clever keyboard
shortcut that zooms you through books 1/20th at a time.
Interview: My wife's
opinion of her Kindle improves during her first month of use,
despite her biggest fear coming true. NOTE: If you know some
great sources for contemporary mystery writers for the Kindle,
please let me know, so I can pass them along to Darlene.
Quote: from a book about
Afghanistan being read this week by the President-Elect, Ghost Wars by Steve
Comments: Do you read YOUR
Kindle during takeoff and landing? And, good news on book
sales from David Emberson.
Please feel free to leave me a voice comment by calling
206-666-2713 or a text comment at or as a
comment here on the show notes page.